Community Midwives

Cares for expectant mothers in clinic and occasionally at home. Clinics are by appointment for both the first booking appointment and routine follow-up appointments.

Community Nurses

The Community Nursing team work mainly seeing patient's in their own homes. They work with patients recently discharged from hospital and those needing long-term care. They also have an active role in the care of terminally ill patients. They are in close contact with the doctors and the rest of the team.

Health Visitors

A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing. The health visitors are based at Homestead Surgery.

Attached Staff

Paramedics working in practice alongside our clinical team, they are responsible for most home visit requests

Pharmacy Team
They deal with medication questions, discharge from hospital changes to medication, medication reviews and advice, safety prescribing audits, medication supply issues

Mental Health Nurse
Deals with anxiety and depression, severe mental health reviews

Chiropody Clinic
A state registered chiropodist holds clinics at the health centre. Appointments are made by Castleford & Normanton District Hospital. You would first speak to your GP or ANP who will assess and refer you to this service

Advanced Clinical Practitioner - Physiotherapy Triage
Our Receptionist can book you directly into an assessment appointment with an Advanced Clinical Practitioner. This service is for new symptoms of muscular / skeletal problems

Care Co-ordinator
Support with accessing other services and liaising with patients and clinical staff to ensure a co-ordinated service is provided

Audiology Clinic
Bringing your appointment with the Audiologist closer to home. You will need a referral into this service

Social Prescriber
Live Well Wakefield: Social prescribing is for adults aged 18yrs and above offer support for non-clinical matters such as: bereavement, social isolation, mental health, housing, finances and much more

The service is for all adults (18+), who are Wakefield district residents in need of information, advice and support in coping with everyday life. The team recognise that there are many things that can affect people’s ability to feel healthy and remain independent, so the service focuses on:

  • Supporting people to cope with their long-term conditions; or those of someone they may care for; increasing independence to enable and empower people to self-manage their own health and wellbeing

  • Reducing social isolation; supporting those who are feeling lonely and looking for social opportunities to get more involved in the community

  • Signposting people with social, emotional or practical needs to a range of local services, often provided by the voluntary and community sector

  • Promoting an holistic approach to health and wellbeing by focusing on the wider determinants of health and supporting people to access relevant services e.g. housing, welfare advice and employment programmes, as well as health promotion services such as smoking cessation and physical activity.

    For further information, please call 01924 255363 or visit the website

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