Welcome to

Stanley Health Centre

Our Mission Statement  

We will strive to:    

Provide a service which puts patient's needs and welfare at the heart of everything we do 


Use the PATCHS link below to contact Stanley Health Centre onlinPATCHS


Our phone system allows call queuing and call recording

Click on the links below for more information 


Unable to attend during our usual opening hours?

Feeling unwell when your GP Practice is closed?

New Services

  • Self refer to Physiotherapy service without needing a GP appointment - click HERE for details    

  • Pharmacy First - click HERE  for more information


Use the links below to log on to your SystmOne online account for repeat prescriptions, appointments etc

Order your repeat medicationsCancel your appointmentAccess Appointment System
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website